Nolanville – The City of Nolanville has been awarded the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Clean Water Act 319 (h) grant. It will help to provide funding to support the City's "Nolan Creek Matters" program. The grant total is $581, 221.55 which is broken down into $346,423.00 federal and a $234, 798.55 match.
Program goals are to help promote the health and well-being of Nolan Creek by adding a watershed coordinator. The watershed coordinator's role in the community will reach beyond the limits of the City of Nolanville to assist in the execution of a Watershed Action Plan (WAP) and ensure the continued cooperation and needed measures to improve water quality conditions at South Nolan Creek.
The coordinator hired with the help of this grant will be instrumental in preparing programming and educational activities for visitors to the City of Nolanville's upcoming SMART Museum. Programming at the SMART Museum will bring attention to how different actions and activities can impact the various environments at the creek and will also provide citizen scientists the opportunity to participate in water labs where sampling and other research can be done.
This grant will also help to fund enhancements on the 10th street channel, such as removing culverts and replacing them with baffles and adding a bioswale. These improvements will go a long way towards improving the treatment of stormwater runoff and will add visual appeal and long-term sustainability.
Finally, the grant will help Nolanville enhance its promotion of Nolan Creek and the opportunities for recreation the City hopes to provide soon.
The TCEQ Nonpoint Source (NPS) Program plans and implements activities that prevent or reduce urban and non-agricultural nonpoint source pollution in Texas waters. The grants are made available through a federal program authorized under Section 319 (h) of the CWA.
For More Information:
Jennifer Shidler, Community Outreach & Public Affairs Coordinator 254-698-6335 EXT 4 Jshidler@nolanvilletx.gov