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Choose Nolanville

The City of Nolanville reinvests sales tax dollars into building our community and does so by offering a variety of incentive programs to meet the needs of new and expanding businesses. The Nolanville Economic Development Corporation works closely with local officials to develop attractive, customized incentive packages that meet the needs of existing and expanding companies as well as new companies moving to Nolanville.
Incentives are awarded on a case-by-case basis according to the type of industry, capital investment, annual payroll and number of jobs created.
Local Grants & Improvement Programs
Click on the programs for more information..
State & Federal Resources
Skills Development Fund- Texas dedicates over $48 million to workforce training. Central Texas College partners with companies to apply for these grants and designs customized training programs in as little as six months.
Governor's Small Business Resources Portal-Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an established business owner, the Governor’s Small Business Resource Portal will provide you with the most relevant resources and contacts to help you find success. This important tool offers a customized list of useful business resources to assist you in starting or growing your business in Texas.
UTSA Small Business Development Center- Starting Your Business- The UTSA Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is committed to assisting both new and existing small businesses. Their "Starting Your Business" page provides you with information on business startup essentials, a link to register for their Business Start Up Essentials Class, and a link to request advising. All of UTSA SBDC’s business advising services are at no cost to you.
U.S. Small Business Administration-Starting a Business- The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) provides numerous resources to those who are just starting their business. Within their "Starting a Business" section they provide information on an array of topics relating to starting a business including creating a business plan, financing, filing and paying taxes and hiring employees.
Lift Fund- Lift Fund is a non-profit organization that helps small businesses access capital, education and a support system to ensure that they realize their potential and increases their chances for success. Lift Fund has made more than 16,000 loans totaling more than $190 million. Lift Fund can fund loans from $500 to $250,000 and will work with every kind of business, Mom-and-Pop restaurants, and corner stores to clothing boutiques and flower shops and everything in between.
For questions, or to submit a request for development incentives, please email your proposal to NEDC. Based on the information provided, our professional Economic Development Staff will evaluate opportunities for local and state incentives for your project. For additional information regarding incentives, please email NEDC.
Submitting an Application
Local Government Code
The Development Corporation Act of 1979 gives cities the ability to finance new and expanded business enterprises in their local communities through economic development corporations (EDCs). Chapters 501, 504, and 505 of the Local Government Code outline the characteristics of Type A and Type B EDCs authorize cities to adopt a sales tax to fund the corporations and define projects EDCs are allowed to undertake.
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