The City of Nolanville & Keep Nolanville Beautiful are delighted to announce the inaugural “Neighbor-wood” Challenge. The City is asking for YOUR help planting free trees in various neighborhood entrances around Nolanville.
Why? Because trees make for healthier environments, and communities populated with trees stay cooler on hot days. Trees also help improve air quality and add natural speed barriers. Planting a tree can help your community connect with nature, decrease stress levels, and promote outdoor activities.
Residents in designated areas of each neighborhood will be contacted with instructions for participation and then provided with trees and a how-to survival guide.
Trees in each neighborhood will be monitored for growth and progress. The area with the most successful tree growth will be rewarded with a block party.
For More Information:
Jennifer Shidler, Community Outreach & Public Affairs Coordinator 254-698-6335 EXT 4 Jshidler@nolanvilletx.gov