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Join the Nolanville Citizen Advisory Committee and Take an Active Role in Our Community!

As every community should, the City of Nolanville encourages its residents to participate and take an active role in local Government. One such opportunity exists by volunteering to serve on the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC).

The CAC is to be comprised of up to eight members of the Nolanville community who provide insight to the boards, commissions, and the City Council of Nolanville. The committee assists City Staff in reviewing local policies and programs and providing feedback and suggestions for improvement in areas such as park development, public art, and other design and construction projects within the City.

This committee will meet at least once a month on the second Tuesday of each month from 5 PM to 6 PM, but City Staff may call special meetings as they see fit.

For more questions or to submit an application to be a part of the CAC, contact City Hall at 254-698-6335.


For More Information:

Jennifer Shidler, Community Outreach & Public Affairs Coordinator 254-698-6335 EXT 4

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Unknown member
Oct 05, 2022

Can we build a Library?

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