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UPDATE: Bell County Judge Issues Firework Ban for all of Bell County.


Updated: Jun 29, 2022

6/28/2022 7pm

UPDATE: After recent rainfalls, Bell County Judge David Blackburn amended the Drought Disaster Declaration Tuesday to allow the sale and use of some fireworks this Fourth of July. Sales will be permitted from July 1 to July 4. Judge Blackburn is remind resides to still remain alert and cautious this July 4th. Stick Rockets and Missile fireworks are still banned under this declaration.

As a reminder, regardless of County declaration, per City Ordinance Code, fireworks of any kind are not allowed within Nolanville City limits at any time.

Nolanville, TX – Effective, June 22, a Drought Disaster Declaration for Bell County has been issued by Judge David Blackburn. This declaration bans both the sale and use of fireworks throughout the county, regardless of whether you are outside city limits or on private property.

The declaration, which can be read here, was announced during a press conference which can be watched here.

It is important to note that the declaration includes exceptions for fireworks displays that have been issued a permit by the Bell County Fire Marshall’s office. Those displayed approved by the Fire Marshall are going to be ones performed by licensed pyrotechnicians and will have fire department support on site.

Violations of this declaration would include the sale, or the use of fireworks is an offense punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or confinement in jail for a term that does not exceed 180 days.

Nolanville Police Department will be strictly enforcing Bell County’s declaration until is expiration or recension. Police Chief Michael Hatton asks anyone to report illegal firework use to call 9-1-1 as they handle all non-emergency dispatch calls for the city.


For More Information:

Jennifer Shidler, Community Outreach & Public Affairs Coordinator 254-698-6335

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